Lemon water is one of the most known body detoxes out there. There are so many benefits proven by science that some people have started to incorporate it into their daily diets. But why drink warm or hot lemon water instead of cold? Quite a few studies have uncovered many reasons as to why it works better.
1. Keeps You Hydrated
Just like regular water, lemon water helps keep you hydrated. Carrying your lemon water with you makes you actually think about the amount of water you’re drinking daily. Lots of people don’t like the taste of water alone, so adding lemon with warm water improves the taste and enhances the mixing process.
2. Helps Improve Digestion
As a morning ritual, some people drink warm or hot lemon water as a natural laxative. According to Marin Weight Loss, a cup of water with ½ a lemon will help wake up your body and flush your system, which has been in rest mode overnight.
3. Gives Immune System a Boost
Health Beat writer Sage Robinson and Marin Weight Loss both agree that lemon water can provide a much-needed immunity boost. Nutrients like vitamin C, calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, and fiber get absorbed by your body for a fresh start to your day.
4. Improves Mucus Flow
Along with the added nutrients of the lemon, Healthline writer Annette McDermott says the warm water will help things flow in the body and alleviate symptoms of the common cold. Robinson says the concoction can help alleviate stress and fight viral infections.
5. Aids in Weight Loss
There are not many studies that argue that lemon water actually promotes weight loss. However, the Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition says the polyphenol antioxidants found in lemons are said to help curve the appetite, which then promotes the body to lose weight. Lemons also contain a special type of fiber called pectin fiber that helps you feel full longer
6. Healthier Skin
Water works naturally to improve the skin, but the added benefits from vitamin C help reduce skin wrinkling, dry skin from aging, and damage from the sun according to McDermott. The warm water paired with vitamin C works as an “elixir” to improve the inside and outside appearance of the skin.
7. Natural Liver Aid
The liver is the part of the body that flushes waste and toxins out. Miran says adding a cup or two to your diet wakes up the liver, stimulates proper stomach acid production, and activates bile production—the enzyme used to break down toxins in the body. McDermott says citrate, a component of citric acid, makes urine less acidic and helps things flow smoother.
8. Provides Vitamin C
Along with all its uses stated above, vitamin C has a ton of ways it helps the body function. McDermott says that it can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke but also lower blood pressure. While lemons don’t top the list of fruits with vitamin C, they still contain a pretty good amount.
9. Freshens Breath
Lemons have a very strong odor that is sometimes used to hide other smells like garlic, onions, etc. According to McDermott, you can use the same concept to combat bad breath. Drinking a glass of warm or room temperature lemon water after meals or first thing in the morning stimulates saliva and prevents dry mouth which is said to lead to bad breath caused by bacteria.
10. Reduces Inflammation
Robinson says that drinking lemon water daily decreases the amount of acidity in your body and removes uric acid from joints. Uric acid buildup on joints is linked to severe joint pain, so the less you have the more free your joints are to operate correctly.