You are newly out of a relationship, you’re hurting and you don’t like it. Someone comes along who can fill that void, and that’s all you really want right now. Is that a good thing or a bad thing?
First off, what is a rebound relationship?
A rebound relationship is one that occurs soon after the ending of an emotionally committed relationship, and usually before the feelings of that relationship are resolved. Rebounds have a bad reputation, but here’s why that might be wrong.
Rebound relationships make you feel more desirable
After a break up, self-esteem can be pretty low. According to research published by the International Association of Relationship Research, people who enter a new relationship can see themselves as being more desirable as a relationship partner. They can also feel a greater sense of resolution over their ex-partner.
One step forward, two steps back
New things are scary, exciting, and high risk. Old things are comfortable, familiar, and low risk. Avoid the temptation to slip back into the relationship that just died only because you’re lonely. Entering into a new relationship, even if your expectations are low, makes you less tempted to go back to the scene of the crime.
Focusing on someone new may help with feelings of loneliness
Do you hate being alone? There are a lot of people who feel very isolated when they are not in a relationship. Although it’s important to spend time with yourself, and feel more comfortable with that, too much isolation may create added stress and sadness.
Rebounds aren’t all that bad after all. If your heart is open to love, love finds a way in, and it might even be on the rebound.