Have you ever tried to bounce back from a disappointment or rise to a new task when you were already feeling burned out and running on empty? The way to deal with this is to increase your capacity to rest, handling one task at a time. Did you know that when you consistently focus on one thing at a time, you are 29% more engaged and productive at work? Research has proven that we perform better when we take breaks throughout the day and even close our eyes for a while.
Here are 3 tips for building a greater reservoir of energy so you can become more resilient:
1. Do one thing at a time. Although you may take pride in your ability to multitask, don’t be fooled—it’s not helping you get more done. Our conscious minds have a very small capacity and, in fact, when we multitask we retain less and have difficulty applying what we learn.
2. Nap or close your eyes for a while. Most of us know that healthy eating, exercise, and sleep are key, but we might not realize the importance of daytime rest. When you are working intensely, taking a nap or closing your eyes for a while can seem like the last thing on your mind. But these short breaks will help you to maintain your focus when you return to work.
3. Take regular breaks. Research reveals that we go through cycles every 90 minutes throughout the day, shifting between high energy and low energy periods. Don’t over-ride your body’s natural signals, but tune in to taking breaks every 90 minutes. As we do, it’s important to take breaks to stay aligned with our natural rhythms.
We often think practice makes perfect, but really, practice makes habits! For 30 days, try an experiment where you only do one task at a time. While you will notice how difficult it is for you to do, you will also see how much more focused you are. Ask yourself how you can incorporate rest into your days and tune in to taking breaks every 90 minutes. You will find you have developed a noticeable reserve of energy and have more resilience when times get tough.