3 Words That Get You What You Want

Do you know of someone who always seems to get what they want?  Things go their way most of the time–and even when they run into obstacles, they find a way around them. I can’t give you a formula for always getting what you want, every single time. But I can share what will point you in that direction. Here are three words (or phrases) to get more of what you want in your life:

When you hear the word “please” from someone you know they’re about to ask something of you. Here’s the thing: would you rather be the one asking for a favor or the one granting it? Are you more comfortable giving than receiving? If so, learn how to say “Please” more often and ask for what you want. It’s good you like to give to others–now get good at asking and receiving.

Sometimes you’re so busy helping others get what they want, that you don’t have any time or energy for yourself. After all, if you want better health or peace of mind, how can you expect to get either if you’re sacrificing yourself to please others? Say “No” more and you’ll find life saying “Yes” to you more often.

I’m grateful
You can’t have a great life without great relationships. But having great relationships requires us to actually like people and to think well of them. Are we patient and gracious with others or are we demanding and critical? Being gracious as you go through life isn’t about being a doormat. You can still be gracious when you have to set boundaries and assert yourself. If you want more in life, think well of others and be gracious when they stumble. The more gracious you are in life, the more life will open up to you and give you more of what you want.


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