Why do we hold on to things that are no longer useful to us? Perhaps we have an illusion of safety—even if something didn’t work, at least we know about it. But when we are ready to move on, we have no real idea what the future will hold, and it’s scary stepping out of your comfort zone or taking a risk, so we may hold on. How do we know it really is time to let go?
Your friends are sick of your same “old story”
When they try to help you, you make the same excuses, and they’ll eventually stop giving you advice. It’s actually becoming boring to be with you because you’re predictable. Aren’t you getting tired of the “same old, same old?” Really ask yourself that, and answer honestly.
Life is passing you by
You are getting older and nothing is really changing in your life. Deep in your heart, you want something different, but you’re terrified of taking a risk. You see most of your friends moving on, and you are stuck in the same place.
You won’t give people a second chance
People can change, but when you hold on to past hurts, you don’t believe that’s possible. No matter how many times someone apologizes, you don’t trust or believe them. Some actions are inexcusable, but if someone is genuinely sorry, it could be worth it to at least hear them out. They may try to reach out once or twice, but after a while, they’ll give up.
Most of the time you react automatically
You don’t really communicate with people because you are locked into past experiences. You find it hard to believe that you can achieve your dreams, because you are still listening to the “voices” in your head that represent people from your past. They projected onto you bad feelings they had about themselves, and you believe them.
You find yourself sleeping too much, eating too much, avoiding life
You want more than that, but may not have found the motivation to get started. If that’s the case, enlist the help of some supportive friends to help get you back in shape. It’s time to find out who you really are, or rediscover some part of you that you have lost.
The points in the article are the opinion of the womenworking.com writers.