You’re in a relationship with someone and lately you notice that things have taken a dip. Everything’s fine on your end, but your partner just isn’t the same. Things have changed and you’ve run out of ways to try to save your relationship. This may be a wake up call that you need to escape that sinking ship.
They’ve stopped communicating
They’ve been very quiet lately, and to top it all off they don’t listen to you. You might as well talk to a brick wall since everything seems to be going over their head and they don’t seem to care.
Avoiding you
You notice that you’ve been seeing less of them. They decline date nights or they turn down an invitation to an event. They’ll do anything it takes not to be in the same room with you.
No affection
All of the warmth has disappeared. They no longer want to cuddle, hold hands, or hug— not even the slightest terms of endearment are muttered. All those special little kisses and looks have gone down the drain.
You feel different with them
Whenever you are around each other, you can’t help but feel a shift in the atmosphere. You used to look forward to spending time with them, but now you just want to spend time a-w-a-y from them. No matter what you do, things aren’t getting better.
They do things to sabotage the relationship
Sometimes when someone is too afraid to end something up front, they do it through their actions. Whether it’s starting a fight or doing something they know will anger you, they just keep pushing your buttons. You can tell something’s up.