5 Signs You Found Someone Worth Keeping

Finding the right person takes patience. But when they come into your life, you’ll see how different they are compared to partners in the past:

You’re always excited to see them: You count down to your next date, whether it’s been a day or a week since you last saw them. And, it doesn’t matter what you do together — you have as much fun going to dinner and a movie as you do ordering takeout and staying in for the evening.

You share similar values: You don’t necessarily have to share a religion or political views, and you might not agree on everything, but you respect each other’s opinions. Your core values are important — do you want kids? are you willing to live together before getting married? how do you handle your finances?

You love them for their eccentric habits: Most people say you should love someone despite their annoying habits, but as Ted said on How I Met Your Mother, ”Shouldn’t we hold out for the person who doesn’t just tolerate our little quirks, but actually kinda likes them?”

You don’t question their actions: You trust them and don’t worry that they’ll lie or cheat on you. Trust doesn’t happen overnight, but they have proven to you that they’re reliable and honest.

You can see a future together: You might not be ready to get married and have kids (and maybe that’s not in your long-term plan at all), but you can see the relationship lasting more than a few months. More importantly, you talk to each other about what you want and have similar goals.

Check out the video below.

Barbara Bent & Britt Parsons

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