We all have a confident woman inside of us, our inner crazy-in-love Beyoncé (Thank you, Mindy Kaling). Sometimes we may lose sight of her as we try to stay afloat in these muddy urban waters, and we forget she is there until we are suddenly faced with that situation – the one that makes us spring to attention and go, “oh no, hell no!”
When people don’t give you a straight answer
This is one of my favorites because there is just so much of this in the office! Whether it’s your team member who won’t take ownership or your friends being noncommittal about plans, you know when you have heard enough to say “oh no, hell no!” The next time around, the person you called out for their behavior is likely to think twice before trying to pull that again with you.
When people are condescending
This can make a woman with a lot of ego see red. We face condescension from people who think they know better, look better, do better – whether it’s true or not. But a successful woman knows just how to nip it in the bud. It might be by putting the person in their place, or drawing attention to the attitude that is not appreciated, or simply choosing to exit a situation. A confident woman knows she won’t put up with that, and it certainly doesn’t make her feel bad.
When people underestimate you
When you are underestimated, the result can be overachieving to make a point or underachieving because who cares anyway? Neither of these are what a confident woman chooses. An accomplished woman doesn’t take it personally – another person’s opinion is just that, an opinion. She won’t let another person define what her skills or talents are. She is grounded in her self-worth, and in the end, she will show them through her work and actions.
When she can make a difference
Watching a peer getting overlooked time and again? A powerful woman doesn’t need to be asked to step in to rectify a situation. If it means coaching the peer or ensuring their voice gets heard too, she can take charge. This woman is a force to be reckoned with, and will not hold back. She understands her efforts, attention, and words are the difference.
When she isn’t getting paid what she deserves
Oh, hell no! While charging in and demanding money tomorrow morning might not be the best approach, a confident woman knows how to strategically plan, network, negotiate to get paid what she works hard to deserve. Compensation is not based just on education and technical skills – it rewards professional background, experience, network, management skills, and more – so don’t waste time justifying the fact that you are actually underpaid. The confident woman wouldn’t either!
So what in your life has made you sit up, take notice, and say, “Oh no, hell no!?” Let’s share and empower each other!