Feeling lost in the wilderness of life with so many decisions ahead? Here are some natural resources we all have!
Find your Map
It helps to ground us when we remember where we started. It may be time to internally retrace your steps to find out where you should go next. From a career perspective, it may be remembering what you studied in college and what you loved about in the first place that got you where you are now. Have you strayed from that course? Now that you remember what you wanted in the first place, it’s easier to figure out how to get back on track.
Look up at the Sky
We have a natural compass. Just like looking up at the stars and sun can help us find our bearings, similarly we can look up to our vision and up at our future goals to get back our perspective. We are guided by our values, our mission in life and the legacy we would like to leave behind.
Turn on the Torch
In the darkness, remember you can turn on a light. And the light can be in the form of your life advisor, a boss, a mentor, sponsor, or coach. They can shine the torch on your path forward by reminding you of who you are and what you’re great at. Sometimes all we need is a new perspective.
Reach for Comfort
Out in the cold, we may need the warmth of love to fill us. Our families are our cheerleaders and support systems. You may need to reach out if it’s been a while but true friends, close family, or loved ones tend to be no more than a phone call or email or visit away.
When we lose momentum, it’s time to refuel our souls and bodies. Whether it’s the feel-good exercise hormones, comforting music, healthy food, positive mantras, or inspiring readings – when you’re losing momentum and feeling lost, take time to energize and charge up those life batteries.
Don’t forget to use your inner resources when you start losing direction and purpose, you’re the best map for yourself!