Smart Women Share Positive Thoughts to Inspire You Today

Do you need a little inspiration to get you through a tough day? Here are six strong women quotes to help you keep your head up.

1. “She doesn’t require constant approval for others, and has the ability to handle any situation without falling apart.”
– Linda Gass

2. “Do the things that truly make you happy, rather than trying to do things that you think would make other people happy, or things that you think should make you happy. Be true to yourself, because no one else knows how to do that for you.”
– Pai-Ling Yin

3. “She perseveres regardless of the odds and circumstances. You don’t know how strong you are until you’ve hit “bottom” and survived.”
– Jill Stover



4. “She fears heights but climbs anyway, knowing that the journey will fill her with courage and accomplishments, and the view from the top will fill her soul.”
– Jennifer Emrich

5. “She stays poised to keep others from feeling afraid when she’s faced with terrifying situations.”
– Lorena Epstein

6. “A strong woman continues to work on the front lines of hopelessness and plants a seed of hope.”
– Carol Etherington

Adapted from What Makes a Strong Woman by Helene Lerner.

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