6 Signals Not to Ignore in a New Relationship
Dating someone new is exciting, but don’t get caught up in the moment. Pay attention to these 6 signs that could mean trouble down the road:
They’re hard to reach: Consistently taking hours or days to respond to a text is disrespectful, so don’t waste your time.
They don’t pay: Someone who doesn’t offer to pay for at least half the dates simply doesn’t have manners.
You plan everything: If you find yourself planning all the outings, this could signal their lack of real interest in you.
It’s all about them: Talking about their lives and never asking you any questions means it’s time to say goodbye.
They come on too strong: Your gut will tell you to get out when someone’s being pushy.
Little lies: You catch them telling white lies early on. It may not mean much now, but this behavior will cause problems later on.