Women are always being labeled “needy” as a means to minimize their feelings and offer men excuses to mistreat them. Don’t let your heartfelt actions become misconstrued; instead feel confident in your ability to show your partner how you really feel. Here are six signs that you’re not clingy, you’re just enamored.
She genuinely enjoys spending time with you
Asking to hang out during your free time shouldn’t be a chore. She wants to see you because she loves you, and any man that considers this a bad thing is off limits.
She needs you to know she loves you
She isn’t saying “I love you” to bother you, expressing her emotions is just her style. If you’ve already taken the step into love territory, it shouldn’t come as a surprise to hear this on a regular basis. The right guy will want to hear those three words whenever possible, and he’ll even reciprocate.
She wants you to have a balance between her and your friends
It’s one thing if she gets angry every time you have with friends, but expecting that you make enough time for her is totally fair. She loves you, which means she cherishes the time you spend together and there’s nothing wrong with that.
It’s not all about sex all the time
There’s a tendency for men to overly criticize women for craving intimacy beyond sex. She isn’t being needy if she expects an emotional connection on top of your physical life, this is actually a necessity for any functioning relationship. She loves you for your mind, and you should be grateful.
She expects affection
There’s a difference between a woman who demands that you hold her hand at all times and a woman who hopes for some sentiment now and again. Considering the fact that she’s madly in love, it makes sense that she needs proof that you feel the same way. Don’t get fired up over basic relationship expectations.
Inquiring about your past
Wanting to know who you were before you two met is not needy, it’s sweet. She doesn’t want to know your past to criticize you, she wants to know the important moments in your life that made you into the man she fell in love with.