6 Things To Remind Yourself When You Feel Like Giving Up

It seems like we’re always chasing after something. Our dream job, a healthier lifestyle, or breaking bad habits like spending less money. Somehow we may end up feeling like we’re not measuring up to some imaginary goals that we have set for ourselves and may get discouraged – feel like giving up. We may convince ourselves that we’re unqualified for a certain job, can’t lose the weight we want to, so why even try? Here are some ways to keep going the next time you feel like you’re giving up.

1. Ask yourself, how badly do you really want it?
Remember why you decided to start this goal in the first place. Was it a reasonable goal? Do you think you’re capable of completing it? What will it feel like once you accomplish it? Having the belief that you can do it is the first step. Now you just have to want it bad enough.

2. If it was easy, anybody could do it.
You probably identified your goal because you thought it would make you happier and it would grow your abilities if you achieved it. Recognize that the journey will not always be easy. Mentally prepare yourself for the days that are more difficult. It will help you power through, and not stop.

3. Motivate yourself. 
Keep a sticky note on your computer reminding you why you started and how powerful you really are. Put a picture on your fridge of a time when you looked and felt your best. Or check out WomenWorking.com on your news feed! Keep the positivity rolling in every day.

4. Acknowledge when you need a break.
There will be those days when it’s probably better to do something entirely different. There’s nothing wrong with going to a museum and seeing something that stimulates your creativity or talking to a friend who you haven’t spoken to in months because it just makes you feel good. We all need some time to regroup and recharge and as long as you get back on the horse the next day, give yourself a creativity break.

5.Reward yourself.
Don’t forget to give yourself a pat on the back for little victories. When you make some headway, do something special for yourself. Instead of looking at what you haven’t done yet, celebrate what you’ve accomplished.

6. Keep pushing forward 
Sometimes your time table is different from how long it actually takes. Instead of throwing in the towel, be resilient. No one is superwoman, not even you! When you reach your goal, don’t rest on your laurels. Identify a new goal and tell yourself, I can do it! Just look at your track record.

Check out this video.

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