Being a highly sensitive person can have its drawbacks. Although you may feel like people easily walk over you, a sensitive person does have strengths that are usually overlooked.
You are satisfied with a simple lifestyle
Luckily for you, you don’t seek extravagant parties to attend or expensive plans to be part of. A simple conversation with a friend in a coffee shop is sufficient. You even find pleasure in the smallest things – grocery shopping in an almost empty supermarket, going for a short walk, and reading a book with a cup of your favorite tea. These little things are easily accessible for you, and they culminate the ingredients of a happy, relaxing lifestyle.
You have high levels of empathy
Because you are sensitive to other people’s emotions, you have a high level of empathy when trying to console another individual. You are able to put yourself in their position, and truly understand what they are feeling and why they may be feeling a specific way.
Physical connections are stronger for you
The touch of your partner’s skin against yours or the warmth of wearing cozy socks can be an intense feeling for you. You are sensitive when it comes to another thing or a person’s touch, which makes the usual acts of life even more pleasurable for you.
You don’t need that much caffeine or alcohol
Although you have a sensitive personality and mind, your body’s physical state and responses can also be sensitive. The minimum dosage for medication may be just enough for you. You may be a fan of coffee, but one cup in the morning is enough to make you feel energized for two whole days. One glass of wine may have you feeling relaxed quite quickly, compared to friends that need three glasses to feel any effects.
You can concentrate deeply
Especially if there aren’t any distractions, you are able to maintain an intense focus on what you care about and what is necessary for you at that time. If there are distractions, you are responsible enough to dissociate yourself from them for a bit, while you take care of what is important.
You consider the past and future more
Sensitivity allows oneself to properly plan for the future by considering mistakes that were created in the past, so they can be avoided in future circumstances. You have a thought process that seeks to make mature decisions, beneficial not only for yourself but for the people around you.
You notice subtle changes much easier
Ever feel as if you’re getting the cold shoulder from a friend or family member? Does your boss seem to be treating you differently since they hired that new employee? Believe it or not, you are equipped with extra sensitivity when it comes to detecting the minor signs that something isn’t “right.” This allows you to figure out solutions much quicker than someone who isn’t as sensitive.