You've Had Enough: Time to Leave Your Job and Move On


If you answered no to any of these questions, you may want to use this time to reflect on what you’d really like to be doing. Then you can retool your resume and get started on your job search.

But first let’s take a closer look at your current job. Here are seven telltale signs that it’s time to move on.

You’re just not excited about your work. When your alarm goes off in the morning, you’d rather go back to sleep. Your job isn’t fun, interesting or challenging.

You and your boss are not on the same page. You’ve had difficulty supporting him or her—and it’s not getting better. Most people leave their job because of conflict with their manager.



You’re frustrated with the organizational bureaucracy and find it nearly impossible to accomplish anything important. There are too many barriers to getting things done in your organizational culture.

There are constant reorganizations taking place and a revolving door of managers. It would be nice to have some stability in your work life for a change.

Your job is so demanding and the workload so excessive you have no time for family, friends, or other interests. You’re tired of doing so much work after work.

You feel unrecognized. Your talents are underutilized and underappreciated.

It’s not getting you any closer to your career goals.

If you can relate to several of these, it’s time to take action! And this is the best time of year to be doing that. [In my next post I’ll give some tips on that.]

Life is too short to not be doing work you love.

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