Even though you may feel the same as you did in your 20s, the food and drink choices that you make might have a greater effect on your health. The human body changes as we age, and it only becomes more difficult to lose weight and stay healthy.
If you’re noticing changes in your body, it might be time to rethink your diet. Just because your habits worked before does not mean that they’ll work for the rest of your life. Consider cutting out these foods and drinks after you turn 30 years old.
Salty foods
In 2013, researchers found a connection between high blood pressure due to raising sodium levels and dehydration and aging skin. So cut the salts—even those that are healthier than the usual french fries and potato chips! To name one, popular canned soup brands contain 40 percent of your daily sodium in just one serving, so consider making your own if you’re craving some broth. And steer clear of the soy sauce: The 879 milligrams of sodium per tablespoon might turn your wholesome sushi into a health nightmare.
Avoid soft drinks like Coke and Pepsi. Soda contains possible cancer-producing dyes that should be cut out of your diet, not to mention that it’s the primary source of added sugar amongst Americans.
Cocktails and beer
The body gets worse at metabolizing alcohol as it ages, so watch out for a lowered alcohol tolerance and a more severe hangover the next day. On top of that, alcohol can mess with your sleep, which could lead to progressive weight gain. And the harmful effects don’t stop there: Alcohol dehydrates your skin, which makes fine lines more prominent and forms wrinkles.
White bread
The body converts refined carbohydrates into sugar and glucose—a nutrient that breaks down collagen and other proteins that fight wrinkles. Choose whole grains over refined sugars to keep your blood sugar levels even and maintain your initial weight.
Sugar-free snacks and dietary drinks
Avoiding toxins like artificial sweeteners helps the liver work more efficiently. You may see your tummy slim down once your liver is detoxified.