Since adults don’t experience its symptoms until the very late stages, kidney disease tends to go undetected, according to the National Kidney Foundation. It is during these stages that the kidneys are failing or large amounts of protein are discovered in the urine. This is a major reason as to why only 10% of adults with chronic kidney disease are aware that they suffer from it. The following are warning symptoms that you can consider to be potentially threatening to your kidneys.
Dry and itchy skin
The National Kidney Foundation explains that dry and itchy skin can be a sign of the mineral and bone disease that can accompany kidney disease. This is due to the fact that kidneys are no longer able to sustain the appropriate balance of nutrients and minerals in the blood.
Foamy urine
Urine that contains excessive bubbles, especially requiring you to flush multiple times before they disappear, is an indication of protein in the urine. One way to take note is if the foam is similar to the foam’s appearance you see when scrambling eggs. The protein found in urine, albumin, is the same protein found in eggs.
Muscle cramping
Muscle cramping can result from impaired kidney function. An example provided by the National Kidney Foundation states that low calcium levels and poorly controlled phosphorus can contribute to muscle cramping.
Food tasting like metal
The website LifeOptions, administered by the Medical Education Institute, explains a surprising symptom of kidney damage. Uremia, build-up of wastes in the blood, can alter the “normal” test of food, and cause bad breath. This may swerve your desire to consume meat or ultimately lose weight, due to lack of general food intake.
Kidney stones
The American Kidney Fund states that kidney stones are one of the most common symptoms of kidney failure. They are caused by a buildup of minerals that clump together inside your kidneys. Larger stones can cause pain when moving through the urinary tract. With a small kidney stone, you may not experience any pain if it can easily move through your urinary tract.
Kidney infections
Usually caused by bacteria that spread to your kidneys from your urinary tract, infections can cause fever, vomiting, or pain in your groin. Treating these infections immediately can prevent permanent kidney damage.
High blood pressure
Cleveland Clinic reveals high blood pressure as another popular indication of kidney failure. Hypertension refers to your blood traveling through blood vessels at an increased force. Over time, untreated high blood pressure levels can damage kidney tissue.
Diabetes that is untreated or unmanaged leads to uncontrollable blood sugar levels. This can damage the body’s internal organs, especially the kidneys.