No one ever said dating was easy, but nowadays, dating is harder than it’s ever been.
Technological advances have made keeping in touch easier. Unfortunately, that means we’ve also made more obstacles for ourselves. New social media channels and advanced cell phones have changed our behavior, and that makes finding The One more difficult than ever before.
People expect you to look like a Snapchat or Instagram filter
Nobody looks that perfect. With social media people, put up pictures where they believe look their best with an added filter to make themselves look more refined. How can you measure up to the smooth skin, bright eyes, and perfectly rouged cheeks from the filters in real life?
We try to mimic unrealistic #relationshipgoals
Many of us try to have the perfect relationship that they see on Facebook or Instagram, but people only show the best parts of their relationship. Social media itself is an illusion; in reality, nobody knows what goes on in relationship behind the screens except the two people who are in it. Society has also created an image of what “the perfect relationship” would look like, which leads to unnecessary pressure.
And if that’s not enough, we feel like there’s a rush to find a perfect spouse because we compare ourselves online more, instead of taking the time to build a relationship with someone and focusing on making our own relationship the best for us.
“Swiping right” turns us into superficial daters
Judging people based on what they look like on dating apps is superficial. When you swipe left or right, you can’t really make any other judgments such as if the person funny, sweet, or honest by looking at a picture.
We can’t stop texting or Facestalking our ex
How do you move on to a new relationship when you get texts from your ex? And even if though you try to stop yourself, you sometimes still find yourself checking up on your ex through his social media. This makes moving on a much more difficult process and puts a person’s mind in distress. It can also cause trust issues between the partners if one still hasn’t gotten over their ex. Not only does it hurt a person mentally, but it can also ruin a relationship.
Phones distract from alone time
We’ve trained ourselves to look at our phone the moment we get a text or email alert instead of paying attention to the people in the room. Worse, some people get suspicious that you’re texting an ex when you’re only texting your mom. Even though we’ve had cell phones for years, we’ve never been as distracted with them as we are these days.