We all want to get ahead and please our bosses so that they advance us. Are there things that we should NOT tolerate from them?
A boss who yells and screams. Your boss has the right to give you feedback, but NO ONE has the right to yell at you. Next time your boss goes on a rampage, calmly ask him to lower his voice, or walk away and report the incident to his boss.
A boss who belittles you frequently. Sometimes people don’t realize their comments are hurtful. And other times, they mean it as a joke. However, you should never allow someone to put you down and make you feel bad. If your boss says something hurtful, approach her one-on-one and explain that you want to improve on the job and are open to constructive criticism, but a demeaning tone is not effective.
A boss who lies. Honesty is vital in any relationship. Ideally, your boss should be your mentor, but that’s not always the case. If you suspect that he stretches the truth, be careful what you say to him, and take any stories he tells you with a grain of salt.
A boss who holds you back. We all want to excel in our careers, and in order to do that, we need strong support systems. A boss who tells you great things but never promotes you will not enable you to grow. If you feel stagnant in your job, and don’t think your boss will give you the push you need, it might be time to look for a new position (within the company or elsewhere).