We all have those down days—when life seems a bit bleak and we temporarily feel nothing will get better.
How do you get yourself back on track to think more positively during down times?
Allow yourself to feel bad. Most of the time, we feel we shouldn’t be feeling that way and don’t give ourselves permission to feel down. Feel the sensations in your body—stomach clenched, throat tense, etc. What are you telling yourself? If you want to, write down these statements and read them aloud.
Now, set a time when you will do everything in your power to be over them. In the next two hours, by evening, by tomorrow morning? You set what feels right. You have allowed yourself to indulge in feeling bad, and you have set a plan when that will end.
Do what makes you happy.
What are the things you can do that will instantly make you feel better? i.e., play your favorite song, watch a great movie, take a bubble bath. Even if you don’t feel like doing these things, “act as if” you do, and do them.
Give yourself credit for knowing that your bad mood is temporary and doing whatever you could to get into a better frame of mind. Sometimes, we don’t acknowledge ourselves as much as we should, so start now.
Share what you’ve done to get yourself out of the funk with someone else who doesn’t seem right. There’s nothing like telling another person how you did it. You will gain a sense of satisfaction and will help someone else as well.