If you’re a woman of her word, it’s easy for a pinky swear from a trusted friend to stay intact. But if you’re training your own brain to reflect positivity, it’s easy to veer off course – especially when you’re stressing out about other little things throughout the day that can distract you from finding your inner peace. Make these five promises to yourself everyday, even when you’re overwhelmed and doing the most:
Promise not to take yourself too seriously
Laugh at yourself, even if you feel like no one else is laughing with you. None of us has it all figured out (even the perfectionists). The more you enjoy your own company, the more others will too.
Promise to find the lesson in every losing battle
Some days, it’ll seem impossible to wake up on the right side of the bed. Whether you’re struggling to make ends meet, having it out with your partner or are just stuck in an emotional rut, try to find the smallest silver lining in each battle. That positivity will find its way back to you – just be patient.
Promise to tell (and show) your loved ones how much they mean to you
You think the world of your friends and family. But how often do you truly let them know that? You’re fortunate to have a steady support system. Make it known to them before it’s too late.
Promise to take risks when your gut tells you it’s worth it
Our comfort zone offers us such a predictable sense of security that we often forget there’s a world outside of it just waiting to be discovered. Take a step outside; it may seem uncomfortable at first. But each time you do, it’ll be some of the best decisions you’ll ever make.
Promise not to dwell in regrets
Regrets are a waste of time. Accept your losses, celebrate your victories. Tomorrow is a new day to kick butt and repeat.