How do you know that someone is a judgmental person? Judgmental people get a kick out of making negative moral assessments of other people. They build up their sense of worth by comparing others who they consider to have a lesser moral status. The best defense in the face of a critical person is to avoid taking their comments personally! If you allow their statements to get into your head, then you are doing their nasty work.
Here are some smart comebacks to put these people on notice that you are onto their game.
Oh, I forgot you are so perfect!
Judgmental people are often judging themselves just as harshly as they do you. This comeback reminds them that they have their own imperfections. Speak with a calm and centered tone, and then let it go.
Is it hot in your glass house?
This comeback recalls the saying, “people in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.” Should someone become critical to him or her, it would shatter their false sense of perfection.
I was born to be awesome, not perfect.
This comeback deflects a judgmental person’s negativity with a bit of humor. It shows that you understand that you are not always put together, and can make mistakes as everyone does on occasion. It also reminds them, and you, that you are terrific regardless.
Would you like to add anything more that is critical or negative, as usual?
This comeback puts a judgmental person on notice that they are often or habitually focusing on others’ flaws. When you use this retort, it should stop them in their tracks.
Are you aware that there are other points of view?
Use this comeback with a judgmental person who tries to force their opinions and judgments onto you. You are inviting this person to realize their views may not hold true for you or other people.
Just as with any toxic person in your life, you can tap your classiness – and sassiness – to call them out when they cross a line, and in the same breath, preserve your self-esteem.
The points in this article are the opinions of the writer.