May 26, 2017
We all feel hurt, it’s the nature of getting close to people. Sometimes we hurt so badly that we would rather never deal with the person who hurt us again. However, most of us do not have that luxury, and need to deal with them and our feelings. Here are…
May 26, 2017
Don’t panic! We’re not talking about profanity here. But on that note, as a blanket rule regarding profanity, every man should talk to every woman with the same respect and decency that he would want others to speak to his mother, wife or daughter. Make of that what you will.…
May 26, 2017
For many of us, being tired, stressed and overworked has become a way of life. Some people even wear their long hours and grueling schedules like a badge of honor. We may not feel the effects right away, but they eventually catch up and signal us that we need to…
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