May 17, 2017
Is it nearly impossible for you to turn someone down – even when you want to? When someone you’ve enjoyed chatting with at the gym asks you if you want to grab a bite to eat afterwards, do you say yes because you don’t want to hurt his feelings, even…
May 17, 2017
In the aftermath of abuse in a toxic relationship, survivors need and deserve inner peace and healing: Surround yourself with caring and authentic others in your tribe These people may be family, friends, colleagues, helping professionals, acquaintances. Part of the healing in the aftermath of a toxic relationship is…
May 17, 2017
When men don’t want to be with women anymore, often we don’t know what to do about it. So if he’s done with you, why does he hold on? Why is he keeping you from moving on? Let’s explore. He's a coward If he doesn’t really want you anymore, he…
May 16, 2017
Okay fellas, you thought your relationship was going great until she broke it off. Another one down the drain. Feels like you don’t have luck after all right? Wrong. Sometimes it’s not about luck; it’s about being aware of the things that women can’t stand. He’s self-centered He’s so…
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