May 16, 2016
One of the toughest decisions in life is choosing to end a romantic relationship or friendship. Whether it’s a significant other or someone close to you in your life, sometimes it’s healthier for your well being to end that relationship. The hardest part is making the decision that you must…
May 16, 2016
These words and phrases will put you in the right mindset to follow the path to success! 1. I'm available. 2. Let's give it a shot. 3. I/We got this covered. 4. I thrive on change. 5. Thanks for your help. 6. I'm up for the challenge. 7. I'll…
May 16, 2016
How can you turn your head off and find peace of mind without meditating in a cave for a week or having a few drinks each night? Use the approaches below to help you be present and relaxed. 1. Mind follows breath The fastest way to calm your mind is…
May 15, 2016
Strong women care deeply, but they won't put up with nonsense. Here are a few things that are deal-breakers. 1. They won't tolerate being put down. 2. They are looking for an equal partner. 3. They refuse to take on the load of the relationship. 4. They have too many…
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