Reality TV stars Todd and Julie Chrisley seem to catch a break as a new development in their ongoing legal drama brings good news. According to People, the couple will reportedly be released from prison earlier than originally intended. The couple faced charges of bank and wire fraud, tax evasion,…
Entries by WomenWorking
A woman who won a $2.2 million jackpot in 2005 has refuted claims that winning the big bucks ruined her life. Lara Griffiths responded to criticisms that she squandered her funds on plastic surgery and that her children should have been taken away from her. Griffiths asserted that she had…
With the fame and fortune of Hollywood and more it's easy to forget that celebrities do have some common experiences with the general public. And one of them is one of the most special relationships to be had: a grandparent and their grandchild. Grandparents are usually one of the most…
Have you ever heard of a "ministroke"? It sounds like a made-up term, but it's actually a real medical condition. A ministroke, also known as a transient ischemic attack (TIA), is a temporary blockage of blood flow to part of the brain. But how do you know if you're experiencing…