There are a lot of different styles of sunglasses out there. From classic aviators to trendy teeny-tiny shades that barely cover your face, there’s a perfect pair of sunglasses for every person. They can also say a lot about your personality, especially when it comes to first impressions. So what…
Entries by WomenWorking
The beginning of a new relationship is always an exciting prospect to explore and holds many opportunities. But sometimes it is important to know when it’s safer to have your guard up. In a 2010 National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey, 57% of respondents said it is difficult to…
No matter how successful you are, everyone has their ups-and-downs. And after going through dealing a painful divorce from Jesse James in 2010, Oscar-winning actress Sandra Bullock has become more outspoken in recent years about the other challenges she has faced throughout her long acting career and in her personal…
Soft drinks have always been known to have a negative impact on your health. Even the “healthy” alternative diet sodas have been linked to increased risk of stroke. Many dieticians and doctors will vouch to limit your intake of soda or to abstain from it completely, as sodas have been…