Looking at popular depictions of women in modern media, you’ll find women with thick, luscious strands that frame an equally radiant face. This is a very different look from women who may be suffering from undiagnosed diseases that lead to hair loss, among other side effects. Your hair can be…
Entries by WomenWorking
We always want to make sure our family knows we care about them. We may even become a caregiver when someone close to us is ill or otherwise unable to live independently. This level of closeness can be a huge sacrifice. It can create additional stress when dealing with work…
Leaner hips and stronger hips can be difficult to attain. Efforts to achieve slim, trim thighs can seem futile, especially since exercise and diet won't necessarily reduce fat in the places you'd like, states WebMD Md. However, dedication to exercise combined with good nutrition will trim fat throughout your body…
As warm weather approaches, allergies come along with it. It is just constant sneezing and pulling out tissues for our runny nose and teary eyes. As beautiful as the weather may be, it’s hard to step foot outside when your allergies are in effect. What can we do about our…