More times than not, menstrual irregularities are nothing to worry about. In most instances, simple lifestyle tweaks, such as gaining or losing weight, or toning down the amount you exercise, can solve the problems with your period. But in other cases, there may be an underlying medical condition that’s affecting…
Entries by WomenWorking
Yeast is a fungus, which means it behaves like one too. So like all other fungi, yeast will flourish in dark, moist places. That’s why summertime—the season of not only sunshine and pools but also of profuse sweating and wet bathing suit bottoms—is the term of choice for irksome and…
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention state that someone is “infertile” if they are unable to conceive after a year of trying for a child. And even though 10 to 15 percent of couples in the United States are infertile, most people still have very limited knowledge on the…
Using heat or cold therapy to address pain can be extremely effective for many different conditions and injuries. The difficult part is knowing what situations call for hot, and what call for cold. Heat therapy Think: heating pads, saunas, steamed towels and hot baths. Heat therapy improves circulation and blood…