Best Ways to Deal with Nasty People

Horrible, nasty people–who has patience for them? We are told to forgive, try to understand them…it is so hard, isn’t it? When all else fails, here are some things that are worth a try–again, the focus here is your sanity, no one else’s.

Remember: it has nothing to do with YOU!
Their nastiness is not caused by you. When you feel yourself becoming defensive, you’re letting them get to you. DON’T. Your mantra: “It’s them, not ME.”

Stare at them.
Don’t open your mouth. Don’t give them the satisfaction of knowing they have created a reaction in you. Just stare blankly at them.

Picture them as a child.
Isn’t that “little boy or girl” acting out of sorts. Somehow, when you picture them as little rascals, they have less of a chance to get a rise out of you.

Don’t waste your precious energy.
You have better things to do than let them get to you. Use your energy more productively.

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