April 26, 2017
Save “I’m sorry” for when you really mean it. Learn to take a compliment. Look for a common bond, there is one. If all else fails, you have yourself. See the child in everyone. Your worst day is just 24 hours long. Is it better to be right or…
April 25, 2017
You made your point in the team meeting but no one acknowledged you even spoke. You told your partner what you wanted but they ignored your request, or maybe you grew up feeling invisible all your life so you have grown accustomed to being overlooked. There is truly a more…
April 24, 2017
Now that you know what turn men on about women (other than you know what), it's our turn to expose what we--as women--find irresistible about men. When they're confident There is a fine line between a guy who is full of himself, and a guy who is secure, confident…
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