January 16, 2017
Every relationship comes with its own set of trials and tribulations, however this does not mean we should stay in a crippling relationship. If you feel like the fire in your relationship is no longer kindling then here are five signs it might be time to part ways. Where’d my…
January 16, 2017
Nowadays, it seems like everyone has an opinion of you. Whether it be your lifestyle, your career, or your body, someone always has to give their two cents. Bold women take what others say into consideration when it matters, but they have learned to discriminate what’s useful and what’s not.…
January 13, 2017
You’re not going to stay single forever. Whether you like it or not, eventually someone is going to find you irresistible. So until that day comes, here are some things to do to bask shamelessly in the glory of singledom. Put on your most comfortable pajamas, lay on the couch…
January 13, 2017
Life is tough, and unfortunately there’s no manual that comes with. Luckily, there are people that can help you through these events, no matter how intimidating the situation can be. These are the people worth having in your lives—because they bring positivity. Since people are a big part of our…
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