October 14, 2016
It’s hard to trust someone when you’re in a new relationship. You haven’t seen all of your partner’s true colors yet, and you’re probably afraid of getting hurt. Distrust is not something you want to have in your relationship, as it can lead to lack of intimacy as well as…
October 14, 2016
We choose the people we call our friends based on common goals and interests. So what do we do when that person starts to turn rotten? When do we decide the relationship needs to change because we’ve had enough? These are the friendships you should avoid: The flaky…
October 13, 2016
The situation is all too familiar. You’re with someone (a boss, a friend, or even a stranger) and they start treating you like you’re inferior. Maybe they don’t trust you to complete a simple task on your own, or they explain something in a way that questions your intellect. One…
October 13, 2016
Strong women have been through a lot. They have experienced wins as well as setbacks. They learn from their mistakes and have little tolerance for people who continually make the same mistakes over and over again. What really turns them off? Read on. Being overly critical Feedback is good, and…
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