July 15, 2016
Women tend to be the givers, with their families, at the office, with friends. But when is it too much--when do we cross over the line and become angry, frustrated and depleted, because we are not getting our fair share? Here are some the ways you can tell, and when…
July 15, 2016
Tracy McMillan, television writer and relationship expert, wrote a blog post in 2011 for The Huffington Post that went viral. It chronicles 6 reasons why she says women aren’t married even when they really want to be. One of her strong messages was that as women, we need to love…
July 15, 2016
People who talk badly about you behind your back are the "worst" type of negative people. They are cowardly and won't say what bothers them to your face. So if they deny what's really going on, how can you have any impact? Here are some things you can try: 1.…
July 15, 2016
Stop the bully dead in his tracks.Signal you’re not easy prey.Don’t feel humiliated by a remark that catches you off-guard and travels with you all day in your mind.You’ve got a dozen reasons for wanting a quick comeback that wards off the bully in your work or home life. Except…when you’re…
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