November 06, 2014
We’ve been working this week on focusing our attitude on gratitude and taking actions towards boosting our careers. Several of you have asked about how to deal with your professional environments and colleagues when they aren’t so positive. There is a real finesse to navigating turbulence at work, below are…
October 20, 2014
Amy* had been a client for four months when she told me she was thinking of getting another coach. When I asked what was on her mind and she said, “You’re too easy on me! I want you to challenge me more.” You’d think a coach would love to hear…
October 13, 2014
Do you ever compare yourself to others and end up not feeling so good? If so, you’re not alone. In fact, untold numbers of people will read something from a friend on social media today wish their family vacation was so spectacular or that their career was so stellar. When…
May 26, 2014
So often as women, we think choosing to prioritize ourselves and our needs is self-centered. Nothing could be further from the truth. By caring for yourself, you ensure you have the energy and stamina to care for the people and things that matter most to you. If you don't…
May 16, 2014
Anger is an important emotion. It can tell us that something isn’t right and we need to make a change on our own behalf. But many of us react to it in a way that’s not constructive. Often, we either deny it or fail to understand the issues that cause it.…
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