January 25, 2012
I am always on the lookout for simple and practical strategies for regaining internal balance during the times when I am feeling overwhelmed, afraid, and generally stressed. Our thoughts make up our experience of the world - moment to moment - and being aware of them is important. A wonderful…
January 23, 2012
Are you having trouble getting into the swing of things today? Take inspiration from the following quotes from some great thinkers. You'll be sure to get back on track. Whatever you can do or dream you can do begin it. Boldness has genius and power and magic in it. Begin…
January 13, 2012
Happiness is something we all strive for. Writer Gretchen Rubin made it her mission when undertaking her Happiness Project — a year of making small changes and keeping resolutions to with the goal to be happier — that generated a book and blog. She made resolutions like, “Don’t Expect Praise…
November 16, 2011
This week we were at the Annual Gala of the Worldwide Orphan's Foundation where Dr. Jane Aronson, its founder, set the stage for an outpouring of love. There are 157,000,000 orphans around the world who need our help. Among the actors who joined Dr. Aronson were Amy Poehler, Will Arnett,…
November 10, 2011
Thanksgiving is just around the corner — a tried and true tradition of the holiday is pumpkin pie. We met Jennifer Appel, a clinical psychologist turned baker who opened Magnolia Bakery with a business partner in 1996 (you may have seen it on "Sex and the City"), she struck out…
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