November 22, 2016
Fake people might try to convince you that they are nice, but they aren’t. How do you handle them so you don’t stoop to their level? Let them know that you are on to them. Don’t play along with their lies, let them know you know what’s up. Use words…
November 22, 2016
Being around a blatant hypocrite can be agonizing. They go from one point to a counteracting point faster than you can even realize, and their contradictions leave you confused and frustrated. It can be difficult at times to realize a person is being hypocritical, so here are a few helpful…
November 18, 2016
Some people just aren’t worth keeping around. If they bring more stress than love into your life, chances are this person really isn’t good for you. Whether it’s a friend, family member, or partner, toxic people can always find a way to seep into our lives. Sometimes people aren’t so…
November 18, 2016
How many times has someone given you a compliment and you’ve thought, “is that really a compliment? Because it felt more like an insult?” Backhanded compliments can catch us off guard, and sometimes it’s hard to know the best way to respond. Psychotherapist and author Amy Morin says that the…
November 08, 2016
Some people just don’t have a filter. Or maybe they’re inconsiderate and are not capable of empathizing. This can hurt, especially when we’re feeling vulnerable or insecure about the issue. No matter who it is--a friend, partner, boss, or coworker, keep these tool kit in mind the next time you…
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