June 19, 2015
Father's Day is just around the corner! We asked our womenworking.com community what makes their dads so special, and here are some of their brilliant responses.Video Editor: Elizabeth Marino
May 09, 2015
There are very few things as wonderful as a Grandma's love. See our heartfelt video in honor of Mother's Day. Video editor Michelle Purpura.
August 28, 2014
As a white mother of a 20-year-old son and a 17-year-old daughter, I have had conversations with my children about respecting elders, respecting authority, making smart decisions, and not causing trouble. But a pivotal moment occurred for me during a discussion about the Trayvon Martin situation. I found out that…
June 06, 2014
Maybe you left the work force for several years to devote time to raising your family and are out of the work loop. You may feel you have little to contribute to conversations with your friends in the corporate world. Does water cooler gossip mix with sandbox antics? Your sense…
August 09, 2013
We don’t always see eye-to-eye with the people we work with, and sometimes minor disagreements can lead to bigger problems. If communication breaks down, a conversation can quickly become a heated argument. Repairing relationships once the dust has settled is a daunting task. Here are some ways to get your…
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