March 06, 2017
Expressing your needs and standing up for yourself are powerful attributes to carry with you in life. There are times to choose your battles, times when it’s worth the fight and times when it’s better to let things go. Addressing conflict at the right time, and in effective ways, will…
February 23, 2017
People lie, cheat, steal, and deceive. Some people do it a lot. Can you trust someone who routinely twists and reshapes the truth? Well, that is up to you, but here are some things to consider if you feel like you may have given your trust to a liar. Lots…
February 22, 2017
I’m sound asleep, dreaming of warm sun on my skin when a mosquito flies into my ear. ACKKK!!!! I jump out of bed and whack myself in ear 4 or 5 times. That mosquito is like some of the intrusive people in my life. The Interrogator I just buckled into…
February 10, 2017
We’ve all been around bossy, controlling people, and sometimes they make us feel like we can’t do anything right. They can drive us so crazy that we feel like we’re going to lose it. Instead of letting them take your power, try these steps. Understand them Why are they like…
February 10, 2017
Just like once you’ve had the amazing version of something -- an in-season strawberry, a pair of shoes, a great book -- it’s hard to go back to the cheap knock-off. The same is with people; once you understand the value of having powerful authentic people surround you, it’s easy…
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