Expectations make or break a relationship, and therefore you should look out for these five indications that you’ve put your partner on a pedestal (he simply won’t be able to live up to your needs).
To choose you over his friends
Your partner needs a balance, and you’ll quickly become disappointed if you assume he’ll ditch his friends to see you. If you’re the type that needs to come first, you may have a hard time dealing with this truth.
Ask you for permission to live his life
If you’re banking on him to ask if he can hang out with his friends or stay late at work, you’re asking for some serious heartbreak. He’s not going to look to you for all the answers and it’s hard to justify why you think he should.
Give you unconditional support
This is not to say he shouldn’t try, but you’ll end up heartbroken if you expect him to be emotionally available and supportive at any given moment. He has his periods of sadness too, and it will be impossible for him to get over it for the sake of your feelings.
Lose attraction for other women
One of the worst things you can expect in a relationship is that the way he looks at other women will just magically disappear. He can’t help noticing good-looking women, but it’s how he handles his wandering eyes that counts.
Forget his romantic past
His exes exist and they’ve shaped him into the partner he is today. In some ways, you shouldn’t anticipate that he erase all memories of his past relationships, but if you feel he truly has to then you should expect a dip in your romantic happiness.