How to Communicate with Difficult People

Difficult people can suck the oxygen out of the room if you let them. To successfully deal with them, you must be methodical. Your attitude is important. Most difficult people aren’t trying to harm you; they are just unconscious or self-absorbed.

Here are a few personality types you’re likely to encounter, as well as strategies for dealing with them.

Anger Addicts. They deal with conflict by accusing, attacking, humiliating or criticizing. Unchecked anger addicts are dangerous and controlling.

Passive-Aggressive People. They express anger with a smile or exaggerated concern but always maintain their cool. They are experts at sugarcoating hostility.

Narcissists. Everything is about them. They have an inflated sense of self-importance and entitlement, crave attention and require endless praise.

Guilt Trippers. They’re world-class blamers, martyrs and drama queens. They know how to make you feel bad about something by pressing your insecurity buttons.

Gossips. These busybodies delight in talking about others behind their backs, putting them down and spreading catty rumors.

Adapted from The Exctasy of Surrender: 12 Surprising Ways Letting Go Can Empower Your Life. By Judith Orloff, M.D., Harmony Books, 2014.

The Laws of Impeccable Communication


1. Be calm, not emotionally reactive.
2. Avoid defensiveness—it makes you look weak.
3. Patiently hear people out without interrupting or needing to have the last word.
4. Empathize with where people are coming from, even if you disagree with them.
5. Pick your battles; apologize when necessary.


1. Be drawn into drama.
2. React impulsively out of anxiety or anger (you may say something you’ll regret).
3. Hold on to resentments or stay attached to being right.
4. Attempt to manage other people’s lives or become their therapist.
5. Shame people, especially in front of others.

Adapted from The Ecstasy of Surrender: 12 Surprising Ways Letting Go Can Empower Your Life. By Judith Orloff, M.D., Harmony Books, 2014.

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