How to Cut Ties With Someone Who’s Not Good For You

One of the toughest decisions in life is choosing to end a romantic relationship or friendship. Whether it’s a significant other or someone close to you in your life, sometimes it’s healthier for your well being to end that relationship. The hardest part is making the decision that you must let that person go. It may take a while, but you’ll be able to tell if they need to be out of your life and you must have the self-confidence to allow yourself to let this happen.

• Once you realize the person is toxic to you, it’s best to end it as soon as possible. Maybe they’re jealous, have a negative outlook on life or are downright rude and hurtful towards you.

• If you’re close friends with or dating someone who doesn’t make you feel like your best self, then it’s time to leave.

• Or, if you feel that they’re not letting you act your true self around them, then they’re toxic and it’s time to say goodbye.

• One way to handle this is to confront the person and tell them how you feel and why you need to let them go. This is especially true for someone you’re dating.

• Don’t feel like you have to respond to their texts and phone calls. Stop reaching out to them as much or stop frequenting places you know they’ll be.

• If it’s too tough to end it all at once, separating slowly and making new relationships with positive people along the way is the best bet.

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