How to Handle Stubborn People

We all know those people – it is either “their way” or no way at all. They are difficult to deal with, and even harder to live with.

What works, how do we get them on our side, and get a word in? Try some of these tips.

1. Let them know you hear them.
Actually repeat back what they have said, without judgment. Some people call this “active listening.”

2. Make your case.
Show how your way is consistent with what they believe. Start with even the “littlest” of points. There must be something you agree upon.

3. Show them what they have to gain.
When you talk to them (at home), or “present” to them (in the office), before you even state your point of view, make it clear what’s in it for them.

4. Give in on “small points.”
Where it is easy for you to concede, make them feel like they are “winning” in some way. On something that is major, negotiate and be flexible.

5. Don’t have the “last word.”
Let them have it, make them feel like they are walking away having convinced you of the way to go. Who cares what they are thinking as long as your major concern has been met.

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