How to Let Yourself Heal from a Toxic Relationship

We have all been in them—it’s hard while we are there, and it can be even harder to get out of one-there’s that period after you’ve severed the ties that is so difficult. How do you forgive yourself for hanging in for so long, and how do you forgive the other person so you can move on?

Here are some suggestions:

Heed the signs
Usually we pick people because there is still some lesson we have to learn by being with them. Take an inventory of the relationship and see why you were so attracted to the person in the first place. Was the relationship similar to others you’ve had? What would you do differently next time?

Know you did the best
If you could have done better, you probably would have. You had your own set of vulnerabilities that you brought to the relationship. Give yourself some credit for trying to make it work.

Time heals
Before you jump into another relationship, give yourself some space to build yourself back up again. Truly nurture yourself, spend time with good friends, do the things you have wanted to, but haven’t been able to.

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