How to Stay Positive When You Are Down in the Dumps

We all have those days when it seems that nothing we say is right, or appointments we are excited about get cancelled, we want someone or something to cheer us up, but that doesn’t seem to be happening. How do we get ourselves out of this funk? Here are some suggestions.

Stop expecting things to be different. Usually what really stresses us out is when we want things to change immediately in our career and in our personal lives, rather than accepting what is. A great weight will be taken off us, if we can tell ourselves, “I may not have what I want now, but now does not mean it will NEVER happen.”

Break things up into small positive actions. When you are feeling bad, it may be hard to summon the energy to be chipper and creative, but that doesn’t mean you should not try to.  What helps is to think of quick tasks you can do that won’t take much effort, but will get you going.

Do the opposite of what your negative mind-talk is suggesting. Don’t listen to your “head-talk.” Go with the leanings of your heart. Head talk: “Stay at home–it’s comfortable here.” Do the opposite. Get dressed and go outside. Head talk: “ Don’t go up to her and introduce yourself, she’s not interested.” Do the opposite. Introduce yourself and say “hello.”

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