For those of you who don’t know, winter is cuffing season, or the time of year where most people become motivated to couple up. But unfortunately for us, that makes summer break-up season, and it comes just in time for your ex-lover to have a buffet of tanned, bikinied bottoms to choose from.
Going through a breakup? Or want to know how to handle it in the future? Don’t worry, you’ll get through it. Here’s how to get over a breakup based on your zodiac sign.
Aries (March 21st – April 19th)
Aries is so not used to being dumped. After all, you’re the one who does the dumping! If you’ve been broken up with, chances are you’re experiencing some all caps rage, and your ego is badly bruised. This sign will need to diminish contact with their ex (it will only make you angrier), get rid of (or burn) all of the things they left behind, and then channel the rest of that rage into an adrenaline-filled activity, like kickboxing or bungee jumping.
Taurus (April 20th – May 20th)
Tauruses are big fans of commitment, and they enter relationships with the hope that it’ll last forever. So when they’ve been broken up with, it can come as an absolute shock. Taurus will either want to spend days wallowing in bed lamenting the love they lost, or they’ll go on a tangent about the time they’ve wasted. To get over their breakup, Taurus will need to ditch the routines or habits they formed with their ex. Try going to a different coffee shop than usual in the morning, or avoid going to that pizza spot the two of you frequented.
Gemini (May 21st – June 20th)
Air sign Gemini tends to be a head-over-heart kind of person, so when they’re broken up with, they’re prone to overthinking. Your mind will be on a continuous loop of everything that went wrong, and how you could’ve done things differently. The best way for Gemini to get over a breakup is by staying on the go: hanging out with friends, going out to eat, and having some rebound sex with strangers. Eventually, you won’t be thinking about your ex at all.
Cancer (June 21st – July 22nd)
It may be hard to bring a Cancer out of their shell, but once they’re in a relationship with you, they fall fast. For them, breakups can be all-consuming emotional events, and while Cancer may put up a tough front amongst friends, they’re probably falling to pieces in private. For this sign, some therapy or a retreat may be needed if they want to avoid closing their heart to love forever.
Leo (July 23rd – August 22nd)
Leo is a hopeless romantic that leads with their heart, and they’ll stay in a relationship until they absolutely can’t anymore. And when things end, it happens in true Leo fashion: with flames and flair. Leo’s breakup may be somewhat of a spectacle, going down in public or on social media for all to see. For this reason, getting over a breakup for Leo may mean blocking their ex on all platforms and diving into activities that make them feel good about themselves. A hair appointment, spa day, mani/pedi, or all of the above may be just what Leo needs to take their mind off of their failed relationship.
Virgo (August 23rd – September 22nd)
Virgos practically invented overthinking. When this sign goes through a breakup, their mind is immediately in meltdown mode and running a million miles per hour. You’ll be thinking about how you begrudgingly accepted your ex’s flaws, or what you could’ve worked on to make the relationship better. Virgo will need to get out and busy their mind with other things and may have luck trying a new project or taking a class with friends.
Libra (September 23rd – October 22nd)
Libra is known for their flirtatious ways, and can often flit from one relationship to the next. But when they’ve found someone worth committing to, they’re extremely loyal and will be in it for the long run. This is why breakups are so hard for them; as a sign that craves balance, losing a partner is like losing a limb. They don’t feel right without it. To avoid turning into a complete mess, Libra (like Leo) will need to spend a little time pampering themselves. But this is only a temporary fix. Ultimately, they’ll just need time to mourn the loss of their relationship.
Scorpio (October 23rd – November 21st)
Scorpios are hesitant to let themselves get attached because once they do, the connection is so deep and intense that it can be too much to handle. For them, breakups feel like an actual knife to the heart, and they’re definitely the types to drive by their ex’s house one or four times. Scorpio will need to channel their obsessive behavior into a new hobby to avoid getting too down about their relationship.
Sagittarius (November 22nd – December 21st )
As free-loving as Sagittarians are, you think they wouldn’t mind a breakup. But because they’re so optimistic, it can come as a complete shock when their partner ends things. This could turn them into a soft, blubbering mess who begs their partner to take them back. In order to move on, Sagittarius will need to reconnect with their higher mind, and do some meditation or traveling.
Capricorn (December 22nd – January 19th)
Everyone knows Capricorns don’t make time for a relationship unless they believe it’s worthy. So if a Capricorn is broken up with, they (like Taurus) will hate to think of all the time they wasted on that “special” someone. Breakups can cause them to become dark, depressed, or pessimistic. In order to avoid this, Capricorn will need to do what they do best: throw themselves back into work. It genuinely makes them happy, and it’ll help them keep their minds off of their ex.
Aquarius (January 20th – February 18th)
Aquarius typically comes off as calm, cool, and collected, but if they’re broken up with, they’re the type to develop a nervous tick. They’ll be racked with anxiety about the flaws their partner may have seen in them, and they may go on a rebellious sex spree with strangers they meet in bars to avoid feeling the pain. To get over a breakup, Aquarius will need to acknowledge and deal with their feelings. They’ll also need to surround themselves with friends and maybe fit in a Reiki session or two.
Pisces (February 19th – March 20th)
As a water sign that dreams of romance, many would think Pisces would be completely shaken by a breakup. But because this sign is so used to having their feelings hurt, they actually bounce back pretty quickly. Pisces can be very resilient, and though they may cry about it, they won’t close their heart to love. Doing healthy, fun activities or expressing themselves through their art can help them get over the breakup even faster.