How to Treat Someone with Respect When you Feel Like Killing Them

Let’s face it, there are some people who just push our “buttons.” No matter how much we try to rationalize that it isn’t bothering us, it is. So how do you not “kill” the person you feel like strangling? Heed these tips in the heat if the moment.

Act “as if” you forgive them. You don’t actually need to forgive them straight away, but you can start imaging what it would be like if you did. It’s a start!

Remember, anger is an energy-burner. You only have so much energy. Wouldn’t you rather be spending it on things and with people you love?

Do the reverse of what you want to do. I start praying for the person even if I don’t want to. I try to see them having all of what I would like to have for myself. You see, I’ve learned that when I hold onto a grudge, the person that hurts the most is ME.

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