With Valentine’s Day coming up, romance is on a lot of people’s minds. While we’ve heard about relationship advice, could the spirit world have an influence on romance as well? According to some psychics, we may have certain guardian spirits who look after our love life.
Renowned medium James Van Praagh sheds light on how to get in touch with and strengthen our connection to those in the spirit realm who help us in matters of love.
What exactly is a relationship guide?
James: It can be a family member, partner, or friend that you knew here on Earth that has passed on into the spiritual realm. They work with your unique energy to attract persons with whom you are karmically connected.
Even if you didn’t maintain a loving relationship with that person, would they still be available as a guide?
James: Once someone has entered the spiritual realm, there is an opening of awareness. That doesn’t prevent the guide from connecting with the individual.
Do we have the same relationship guide in different stages of our life?
James: The guide remains with us for a lifetime; however, since we grow during various periods of our life, we can connect and search for guidance from different spirits.
For those of us searching for love, how can we best contact our relationship guides?
First, find a quiet peaceful place. Breathe deeply, exhaling and inhaling in counts of five. By exhaling, we eliminate old energy which can hold us back from love. This can open our heart and mind for guidance from our relationship guides.
For more information, you can visit James Van Praagh’s website at https://www.vanpraagh.com/.