Making a lifelong commitment to someone is a huge decision. But thankfully, there are some easy-to-spot warning signs if you’re headed down that road with someone who doesn’t deserve you. If your future spouse does any of these seven things, it might be a good idea to reconsider …
Takes forever to commit
Jumping into something serious too fast is one thing. Dragging his feet after you’ve been together for a while is another. If he is clear about not wanting to commit to you from the start, it will feel like you coerced him into it when you finally convince him to take the next step. You two will never be on the same page.
Lies to you
Lying is unacceptable. The most important trait to look for in a partner is trustworthiness. While letting him get away with a couple of white lies in the beginning of your relationship may not seem like a big deal, over time, those little lies will turn into bigger lies that become a shaky foundation for your relationship.
Jeopardizes your relationship with your family
If you are fortunate enough to have a good relationship with your family, do not pick a spouse over maintaining your connection to your loved ones. Him not getting along with your family will eventually lead to you sacrificing your core values for him. That is NOT a fair trade.
Has an excuse for everything
A good partner will own up to what he’s done wrong. He will not blame his mistakes on others. A man who always makes excuses is unaccountable. You will not feel comfortable turning to him for help, and being a source of support is a hugely important responsibility of a spouse.
Holds grudges
Remember that disagreement you guys had over the electric bill three months ago? No? Well, he does—and he brings it up whenever you have an argument about anything else. Sticking with that guy for life will just make you frustrated and bogged down by the past.
Doesn’t give you space
It is important for your spouse to have an understanding of you as your own person. You are so much more than just his wife, but if he gets nervous about the idea of you having your own life, that is all you will ever be defined as.
Makes you feel bad about yourself
This should go without saying, but unfortunately, women find themselves in relationships with men who belittle them more often than you’d think. It is not easy to stop pursuing a relationship that provides you with all the things you think you need. But his good job and fun demeanor have no value if he is disrespectful to you.