Sometimes we feel the need to argue when we believe firmly that we are right and someone else is wrong. Arguments between partners, family members, coworkers, and even strangers can either lead to a solution or sometimes they just get out of hand. While we might feel our blood boiling up inside of us to speak out and argue, there are times when your energy is best saved because it’s just not worth the time.
Here are five times there’s no use in arguing about it:
When this isn’t the first, second, or third time you’ve had this argument with said person.
As soon as you begin getting déjà vu when the conversation is getting heated it’s best to just walk away. Chances are if you haven’t been able to see each other’s points-of-view on the topic in the past, nothing has changed for the present.
When you disagree with your boss or superior on the way business is being run.
Chances are many of you have been in a situation where you felt your boss was doing something wrong. I can do it better or I can’t believe they run their business this way. Unless you’re ready to find a new job or they have crossed a line in morality, you should put your money where your mouth is. The best thing to do is have a respectful debate and let them know your opinion. If they still don’t agree with you and want to do it their way, that’s their prerogative.
When it comes down to a matter of opinion.
Do you feel strongly that dogs are better than cats, but your partner feels that cats are better than dogs? While this is just a small example, it is important to remember that arguments that stem from one opinion being right over another are almost never worth it. Usually if the argument isn’t ending or it’s not just a respectful debate it is safe to assume that one or both of you is being close-minded and wasting your breath.
When it’s a matter of right and wrong and they refuse to see the light.
Have you ever known you were right and your heart started pumping because you couldn’t wait to just start spewing facts at someone? While some of you might enjoy the rise you get out of arguing, there are also many of you who find it frustrating and agonizing when you can’t get your point across. If it eats you up inside for days at a time and causes you to stress, don’t worry about educating them, worry about your own sanity.
If you don’t agree with the choices someone is making in their personal life.
Does your sister not want to have children or your best friend is in an open relationship as a throuple? You might want ten children and be happy in a monogamous marriage to your husband. You may think their choices are strange just because they are different than yours. That does not give you the right to discredit their lifestyle choices or opinions just because you want to live your life one way and they want to live their life another. Arguing with someone about this can be hurtful to them emotionally and damage the relationship you have together.
Disclaimer: This article is the opinion of the author